Academic PapersRead | Singular or Plural: The Greekness Forged in Faith Featured The Bubonic Plague In Fourteenth Century East Asia When Physical Distance Gives Us Moral Distance Drawing The Divine Closer: Shinto & Animism The Elemental Aspects Of Fandom & Religion Buddhism’s Durable Refuge The Unifying Vedic Seeds of Suffering The Bridging Paths of Faith Oral Histories & Oracle Bones Harmony & Discord In East Asian Histories Daoism & The Gendered Priesthood Zheng He’s Giraffe Liminal, Loathing & Leveling-Up: The Biological Inevitability of Monstrosity When The Gods Speak With Their Mouths Full The Restless Heart: Quantifying Paranormal Pursuit in American Society It’s Not You, It’s Me: The Encyclopedic Unknowable of Yōkai The Fires Within, Without, and Between: The Limbic Spaces of Vedic Ritual Hinduism’s Mahabharata Explorations on Jainism Zoroastrianism’s Towers of Silence Sikhism’s Struggle to Reconcile an Unstable World The Limits of Legitimate Regulation: Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ Increasing Empathic Approach Motivation in Ukrainian Charitable Giving Politics, Parents & Perspective: A Brexit Field Guide Causes, Conflict and Community: Motivating Positive Self-Transcendence The Example & The Exemplified The Unrestricted Potentiality of Death in Ivan Ilyich When Sanctions Aren’t Enough: Our Moral Obligation to Alleviate Individual Suffering Sooner Masks, Morality & Mandates: The Rules, Rights & Protections of Pandemic Vaccination The Gates of Horn & Ivory Oh Beautiful Son, What Have You Done? Positive Systemic Data Day ObsessionRead | A (Meta) Narrative Island Tour Featured The Role of Religion in Greek and Roman cities The Integration of Economic Activities in the City of Delos Singular or Plural: The Greekness Forged in Faith The Price of Immortality: Rhetoric and Reality in Pericles’ Funeral Oration The Violence of Hope Positive Obsession An Open Letter To Grieftech Investors Auspicious Advertising: The Russian Thirst For Reincarnation What Is Culture? Embracing The Soil Which Grows The Best Version of Me Hubris & Parable At Isandlwana Enough with the Remakes & Reboots Serendipitous Discovery Participatory Futures Positive Systemic Data Day Obsession The Violent Efficacy Of The Whip Servile Labor & Institutions Of Debt Undoing Global Convergence: Brexit & The Weaponized Past What Will Brexiteers Yearn For Now They Have Won? How Misinformation Still Spreads Through Non-Engagement When The Losers Fight Back: Inequality In Todd Phillips’ Joker Restoration, Rehabilitation & Remembrance In Russia’s Ongoing Patriotic War Transcending Citizenship The Extraction of Essence Soviet Heteronormative Masculine Transition In Sergei Bodrov’s Prisoner of the Mountains Our Obligation To Listen When A Voice Is Used Unintended Consequence